Everywhere I turn it seems that all I hear is people hating on Snooki and I'm sick of it!
People at my job make fun of me all the time not only for being a die hard "Jersey Shore" fan but for adoring its breakout star, Snooki, but seriously, they all secret love it and are just hating on the Snooks!! My boss called the whole show crap today and said Snooki looked trashy. I was cc'd on an email today with a group of people from a bunch of different companies and everyone was making fun of her. I was talking about her at the gym tonight to the manager who laughed when I said how much I love her.
Snooki and the gang were on The View last week and not only were Joy and Whoopi hating but I asked my friend who works for ABC to get me tickets for the show to see Snooki and he was all, "Wouldn't you rather go to a show with someone worth seeing?" Can you believe that?! Turns out he didn't even try to get me the tickets and I had to watch the show from my desk at work that day and it was the only time I watched The View where I actually liked Elisabeth and Sherri more than any other chick on the panel. I had no idea Elisabeth was such a fan of the mindless escape one gets from enjoying such a fantastic show and Sherri even proudly copied Snooki's signature pouf hair-do on the air and I was living!!
So what did Snooki ever do to anyone?
In case you live in outer space "Snooki" is Nicole Polizzi, the self-proclaimed "Princess of Poughkeepsie" who rose to prominence last year in the first season of MTV's smash hit "Jersey Shore." She was famously punched in the face by some goomba at Beachcombers, this local watering hole her and her housemates hung out at in Seaside Heights, NJ. She went on to recover from the fiasco and got drunk the next day and went right back on her perpetual quest for a Guido juice head gorilla to fall in love with.
Hasn't the girl been through enough?

I was thinking about the parallels between Snooki's life and my own and they are fascinating! I will now proceed to get all Madonna giving Michael Jackson's tribute speech at the MTV Awards on your ass:
Snooki was born in South America in the 80's. So was I.
Snooki was adopted by white parents and raised in upstate New York. So was I.
Snooki identifies more with the culture she was raised in opposed to the culture she was born in. So do I.
Snooki is short. So am I.
Snooki has faced adversity and has had to work harder to gain respect from people. So have I.
Snooki was a gymnast. So was I.
Snooki got punched in the face at a bar. So have I.
Snooki lives to dance and gets all tribal on the dance floor for attention. So do I.
Snooki loves pickles. So do I.
I mean if this is not enough proof to show that she and I are kindred spirits I don't know what more you need. As a matter of fact it was when I told my boss that she and I were kindred spirits that he mentioned she is trash. Hmm, I wonder what he's trying to insinuate.
The thing about Snooki is this - She tries her best with what she has been given and isn't apologizing for it. I gotta hand it to her because that is pretty fucking rad. Her bio on MTV.com reads as follows:
“Nicole is looking to meet the man of her dreams. When she goes to the gym, she goes in full makeup, hoping to make a splash with all the toned men. Her height has been as much of a strength as it has been an obstacle, and it will color her
summer at the Shore in a big way.”
Snooki embraces herself and life, making it colorful no matter what she's doing or where she goes. That gets a big thumbs up in my book. She's able to make fun of herself and recognize her flaws but she knows what she wants and she goes for it regardless what anyone thinks! She puts it all out there, the good, the bad, the ugly, but she's getting it out there and doing her thing and is fearless in it.
The fact that we share a lot of the same characteristics is rather refreshing to me and maybe that's why I can't no more with all the trash talking people seem to be doing on her right now. I mean honestly although Snooki is the most notorious cast member from the show her behaviors were quite tame and reserved compared to the rest. Sure she got drunk on the first day and made a fool of herself with her lesbo friend and The Situation in the hot tub but she wasn't having reckless unprotected sex every night with random strangers like the boys were doing. She was looking for love. True love.
Plus I believe she's the only one who is in school trying to get a degree while working as veterinary assistant helping animals on a regular basis. It's crazy that she's the most together person on the show but gets the worst rap and is the most hated on. I know that now that she's gotten a little fame she's everywhere but c'mon people let's not hate on a girl who's just trying to make a dollar and a cent in these crazy economic times!
I'm not saying the Snookster is perfect. And that's kinda why I love her. I'm actually certain that Snooki is still coming into her own and quite insecure about a lot still today but hey, so am I. So are you. So are we all. We're constantly finding our way in life but that's what makes us human and it's certainly no reason to hate on someone when they're putting it out there and owning up to who they are. Especially when they prove that they can get knocked down (or punched in the face in this case) and get right back up and keep on going!

On a side note, I'm very happy that Wendy Williams (my other kindred spirit) has given Snooki the star status and recognition she deserves for being a short, cute, little hot mess and sat down with her on the couch last month. Thanks Wendy for giving the people we want to see the airtime they deserve with interviews that don't highlight how little knowledge they have about high school level geography and mathematics. And we also don't want to hear Snooki's (or the rest of the cast's) 5 and 10 year plans like they were asking on The View!! Puhlease! We just want to see them have fun and enjoy their youth by being exactly who they are with no apologies and that's what you show us Snooki!
So, Snooki, you little juice head chasing, pouf-haired, adopted Chitalian, tonight I'm toasting this pickle to you, and I'm not apologizing for it girl!

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