I'm getting old. Being in my late mid 20's I think it's safe to face the fact that I'm no spring chicken.
But it sucks now that I'm starting to see the effects of this!
It started last week when I had a long hard look at myself in the mirror and noticed lines on my face I hadn't seen before around my mouth and under my eyes. In addition I also noticed the proverbial "bags" starting to form under my eyes and I decided it was time to do something about it.
I immediately started calling my friends who are older than me to see what they thought and was surprised to hear that they had the answers for me right there on the spot. Apparently they have been dealing with this for a while. Without naming names or going into too much detail and to make a long story short I was told to try a number of different things such as, cucumbers, preparation h, chilled green tea bags, an under eye stick from garnier that contains caffeine in it, under eye night cream from clinique, ice cubes, water, and sleep sleep sleep.
Sleep seems to be the big one and the one that I haven't been getting a lot of these days and should try to do more often. To make up for the lack of sleep I got last week at work I decided to stay in most of this rainy shitty weekend and sleep. I even put some spoons in the freezer a couple times and dozed off holding them on my eyes to ease the puffiness.
I have been noticing a bit of a difference since I started this over a week ago but I have to say I think it probably has a lot to do with heredity and genes and those are both things we can't do anything about. What I can do about aging gracefully is probably try to not stress over any of it. I mean I could go to town on every little thing that is wrong with me and I'm sure they would be noticeable to everyone. But I kinda feel like if I just go with the flow, sleep more, chill the fuck out, and let myself get older all will be done naturally and gracefully.
I kinda keep thinking that once the summer comes and I'm out on Fire Island and relaxed and tanned then all these under eye circles and bags will just fade into my skin and I'll be healthy and refreshed looking everyday but then I thought, hey, isn't the sun bad for our skin too? I'm sure if I just lay out and bake my skin off for my bags I'll start seeing lines a lot sooner in a lot more places and just start stressing about those as well. It's a lose lose situation when we try to take on Mother Nature. She'll kick our ass like Naomi Campbell. In the words of Truvy from
Steel Magnolia's,
"Time marches on...and sooner or later you realize it's marching right across your face!"

Maybe this is just my time to let nature happen. I'm the oldest today that I've ever been in my life and that's some hell of a feat! Hey, I think I deserve to take a nap for that one.
Maybe I should just go to sleep! I think I'll have a glass of water first.
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