And when I say broken I mean like the thing is loaded with spyware, gets pop ups all the time, it's 5 years old, and the screen actually cracked and like the bottom half of it sometimes goes black so I have to make all the windows small and pull them to the top of the screen so I can actually go to webpages. The thing is janky boo and it's time for me to get a new one. The other day I went to turn it on and it won't even do that anymore so I might as well put it out with the rest of the trash around here.
Speaking of all that trash, I have to say that the clean up at the new apartment has been going a lot better this week then last. Dane had a buncha crazy spells where he stayed up all night being cracksy but hey at least she cleaned and straightened the place out while she was going through it. The place looked like hoarders last week and now it's just a little cluttered. Hopefully next week it'll be as fresh as The Situation's abs after his daily GTL routine baby.
I had a mini GTL experience of my own today when I dropped my laundry off around the corner from my place for the first time. I couldn't believe it when the laundry lady weighed my 20lb bag and said it would be $23.50 for the load to be washed. That comes out to a little more than an dollar a pound!! In Queens, the laundry was like 60 cents a pound! So I move to manhattan to find cheaper rent and more expensive expenses, go figure!!! Time to start changing my dollar bills and saving quarters baby. I guess I should buy some laundry detergent too. Preferably on sale.
After my Laundry experience, it was off to a little lunch at a rather cheap but quite good place right down the block that I discovered today. I'll definitely be going back. I still haven't joined a gym yet up here but today after brunch I toured a little gym on 106th street called Body Strength Fitness. The place was a little small, a little ramshackle but it seems to be the only local gym around here and it's quite reasonably priced so I think I might join. I mean the gym for me has never been much of a social outing and I don't feel like traveling to Chelsea for Junior Vasquez on the turn tables and Amanda Lepore on the elliptical next to me while I work out.
With summer right around the corner I've been walking around with this overwhelming sense of guilt for eating whatever I want lately and not going to the gym at all. At least when I had my computer I could do my little recessionista workout in my bedroom on my yoga mat with 8 minute abs, 8 minute buns, and 8 minute chest playing on YouTube on my laptop on my bed. I used to do it late at night and the music that plays in the background is reminiscent of 90's Cinemax softcore porn sounds so I can only imagine what the neighbors thought I was watching. At the end, the trainer in the videos would say, "You did a great job! I'll see you in 24 hours!" to which I would reply back to my laptop, "No! I'll see YOU in 24 hours!" Ugh I need to get a new laptop (or a real life trainer) stat!
After the little gym tour today I purchased curtains from the home store and hung them in my room. (ok so maybe Taylor hung them for me) but I helped a lot and provided entertainment for him while he worked. I think they came out rather nice and I'd love to show you a pic but I can't upload anymore til I get a new computer. Now at least the neighbors in the back of the building dont have to watch me get naked all the time. It seems as if every room in the apartment has a direct view of a different neighbor. I'm laying on the couch in my living room right now looking at the neighbors across the airshaft hanging out the windows smoking joints and lighting bowls. They're looking at me and thinking, "What's a cute boy like that doing home on the couch on his computer eating Doritos on a Saturday night? Why isn't he over here getting high with us? Maybe he's online looking for love, Oh wait, it's Valentine's Day too. I bet he needs a hug. Poor thing. Is he watching Lovers Lane weekend on Lifetime too?!"
Oh whatever!! What do they know?! They're a buncha potheads! They have the munchies and are jealous of my Doritos. Go smoke your pot, stoners!!
We definitely need to buy some curtains for the living room next. After my new computer of course.
I'll see you in 24 hours!

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