Oh my god! I haven't been blogging. I know I know but listen queens, I moved! And it was a mess! It still is. Then I got told by this cute guy I was hanging out with over text message that he didn't want to hang out anymore. And I even lost the lotto again! Can you believe all that happened in the course of a week? Plus all this great TV has been on to distract me. I know, no excuse. I'm back.
Seriously tho, I've been totally living out of boxes; I don't know where anything is. I'm still sleeping on the floor (on my matress at least). Our new place is covered in junk, our junk, but junk all the same. We still need to sort through it all and it's a non-stop seemingly neverending process. I had to go back to work too. I had taken Monday off to paint and organize and stuff but honestly, Dane and I coulda used the whole fucking week off. (I wound up painting my new room "Chocolate Milk", a light light brown which was left over from the living room in my old apartment and Dane picked out "Oat Straw" for his which is a light creamy almost sage color)
The move went smoothly for the most part I guess. Blake and Dane came to my old Astoria apt at 8am Sunday morning. We loaded the truck with all my shit and were done with my place around 9:30. The landlord came to inspect my place and was totally giving me grief over my yellow kitchen wall and I was all, "Look, yellow is a light color bitch!", so they let me go. We then drove the truck to Dane's, loaded his stuff, stopped at Le McDonald's to treat Blake to a lovely lunch which we ate in the truck while Dane's fish George almost died. (He managed to pull through though.) We then made our final schlep across the 59th street bridge up to the UWS to greet our new home.
We hired some movers to drag all our stuff up 3 flights of stairs to our 4th floor apartment and they were supposed to be at our new place at 1 but didn't show up til around 2 at which point exhaustion had set in from me being up all night packing and I completely checked out. I just stood in a daze pointing out places to them where stuff should go but all I wanted to do was nap. Finally the move was over at 5pm. All of our stuff had made it safely upstairs but was now in heaping piles of merged belongings completely covering every inch of the tiny little apartment I would now be sharing with Dane.
Needless to say, we have a lot of work to do.

I feel like I am living on that A&E show
Hoarders and I need help.
Hoarders is this fabulous show about people who can't throw anything out and completely engulf themselves in their homes with clutter and garbage and junk. Then the family comes in and is like, "Look queen, you are a hot mess!" Then the hoarder is all, "Oh it's not that bad, it's just a little cluttered." Then a clinical psychologist specializing in compulsive hoarding comes in and is all, "Actually no honey! You ARE a hot mess, BUT there's help!" Then 1800 Got Junk comes to save the day and throws out a lot of their stuff while the hoarder has mental breakdowns and anxiety attacks watching them clear dead animal remains and dirty diapers out of their living rooms.
Sometimes when I would get sad Hoarders would be the only show that would make me feel better. Lately it hasn't been helping!! :(
I need 1800GotJunk pronto! At least to bring some of

this trash back down the 3 flights of stairs it came up on. Time for a major downsize! I know there is a light at the end of the tunnel but it's gonna take time, a little bit of patience, a whole lot of trash bags, and a couple mental breakdowns and anxiety attacks myself before I'll finally see that there is a life beyond this clutter. Fortunately I did laundry before I left Queens because I can find clean clothes and underwear in my laundry bag at least to wear to work. Dane has been great too. When he's not caulking, grouting, polishing and sealing the floors in my bedroom, he's cleaning a lot and putting stuff away and slowly the piles are getting smaller and smaller.
Hey, at least we're not finding dead cat carcasses and diapers at the bottom of the heaps.
Throughout all this mess, I was told by a boy I liked on text to go away right in the middle of my post-move nap on Sunday night. Fortunately I've had my DVR to help me through it and a slew of shows that I am completely living for including Bitch Fashion Goddess Kelly Cuttrone in her new reality show
Kell on Earth. (I made sure time warner was here to set up the cable the moment we moved in of course)
Ru Paul's Drag Race is also back in it's second season, plus the return of
Shear Genius, and tried and true faves,
The Real World DC and
Project Runway and Miss Wendy every morning. So, I've been finding solace in trash TV for me to draw parallels to my life from and sometimes that's all I need to keep me going.
I have had moments of feeling a little lost in my new element the past week. The commute has taken some getting used to. I miss the N and W train terribly and it's weird not going home to Queens every night. I've been recalling that Jewel song lately where she hears the clock, it's 6AM, she feels so far from where she's been. I can relate Jewel. I feel far away from my comfort zone of outer borough living. I've got my eggs, I've got my pancakes too. Got my maple syrup, everything but you (Astoria).
When we painted on Monday I also got my orange wall in the living room and was relieved that the apartment was starting to feel personal and a little like my old place in Astoria. We decided on a cheeky shade of orange we found at Home Depot called Autumn Orange which to me looks more like Summer Orange but she's cute and the place is starting to feel like a home. I also found out yesterday that Dane and I moved in above the only gay bar on the Upper West Side. It's called Suite and he and I ventured there together tonight where we hung out with cute karaoke Columbia kids and transexual bartenders and fat drag queens and I have to say it was nice to be amongst the normal people and have this area start to feel like a neighborhood.
It's supposed to snow this weekend too. Maybe we'll be snowed in and actually whip this apartment into shape some more.
So in the meantime, I'll break the yolks and make a smiley face. I kinda like it in my brand new place. Oh where have you been Jewel!?!