I can't with her. This girl was a not a stranger to me and i recognized her immediately. I know what movie she was talking about too. I had met her almost a year earlier when I took a friend to visit the scientology building in midtown when he expressed interest in finding out more about this controversial "religious" movement based on non-scientific self-help principles developed in the 40's and 50's. We watched the movie (aptly titled Orientation) and took a mini tour of the basement where the very same blond girl pressured me to buy a book and proceeded to warn us of the dangers of psychotic drugs. She accosted me then and was now accosting me again and although normally civil to them I decided to entertain her yesterday evening in a discussion about her beliefs.
B.S.(Blond Scientologist or BullShit, take your pick) "Are you familiar with the book Dianetics or interested in seeing a movie right now?"
ME: "Yep I have read Dianetics and Science of Survival as well as a number of other books"
BS: "Oh yea? Ok what is Dianetics about then if you say youve read it?"
ME: "It's about the reactive mind and the analytical mind but like I said I have also read a number of other books about your church"
B.S. "Such as?"
ME: "Such as Blown for Good, The Scandal of Scientology, My Billion Year Contract, The Complex. They're really great reads written by ex-members that you should check out."
B.S. "Oh yea and why do you think I should read any of that?'
ME: "You're asking me to read a book AND watch a movie and I'm not allowed to make any reccommendations to you? That seems unfair."
B.S. "Yea but all those were written by criminals and murderers and rapists"
I LAUGHED then said that.... ME: "I think that a lot of that information is perpetuated within your church and fed to you as facts. The real criminals are located in the senior management of your organization"
She cackled so loud at that like a crazy person then said... B.S. "Dianetics is the number one best selling self-help book of all time!!! I gotta go over there, someone is waiting for me"
ME: Chowder!
The bottom line is that this girl is probably a very decent person. Most scientologists are. But when one gets involved in a cult, they are insulated so fully that they only hear the ideas and concepts manufactured by individuals within their close knit community. While physical contact with the world around them is inevitable (unless detained in Scientology prison camps known as the RPF) mental discussion about scientific flaws in their formula and factual evidence proven in supreme court about the crimes of their cult are considered strictly verboden (called Entheta in the cult) for which if they are exposed to they will have to be rehabilitated back from (go to Ethics or RPF). And any scientologist who wishes to remain in good standing within the church is trained to literally run away from all entheta for fear of being considered a potential trouble source (PTS) or even worse, a suppressive person (SP)
I have never been in scientology myself but have always been fascinated by the workings of the mind and more specifically, cults, and have done my fair share of research both in favor of it and against it. So what the fuck is it?
Scientology is the idea that the soul is an immortal spiritual being (a thetan) and the body is a vessel that is being used by this thetan. The mind of this body being used by this thetan is made up of 2 major parts, the analytical mind and the reactive mind. Scientologists believe that the reactive mind records all our harmful past shit - surgeries, break-ups, alcoholic parents, rape, homosexual thoughts (which is considered low tone in the church), blah blah blah. Experiences such as these, stored in the reactive mind are called engrams. (i know)
What scientology claims to do is a method to erase these engrams to achieve what is referred to in scientology as a state of "Clear." A clear is said to no longer be using their reactive mind (they also claim clears can fly, move mountains and objects, control minds, and control the universe.) This method they use is called auditing which is really just basic hypnosis. It is very expensive to achieve this state and takes years of auditing (aka years of mind fucking hypnosis). Their sole goal is to "clear the planet" and control the world's money and minds. Once clear (completely hypnotized and mind fucked) you move on to upper levels of the cult, (OT levels they are called, or Operating Thetan) which is when all the alien space opera stuff comes in and dont even go there with me right now.
Along the way (the "way to happiness" they call it) they steal your money with this phoney garbage, order you to disconnect from your friends and family not in scientology, subject their members to harmful torture within the church rehabilitation programs should one decide to get out of line, command a militant army (known as the sea org) who have signed billion year contracts to the church (remember your soul is immortal, your body is worthless), and have clauses in their teachings which allow them to get away with lying, cheating, stealing, and murder in order to further their way. (Yes this is all available for the reading - See their Fair Game Policy) It is a crude mafia more than a religion and is able to operate publicly through litigious threats, bribes, scams, and lies.
The notion that people are entitled to believe whatever the fuck they want is fine. Believe in aliens! (I do myself, duh!) It's the fact that scientologists use hard sell tactics in their recruiting techniques designed to sell you (literally for thousands of dollars) an invisible product based on false science to people when they are at their lowest that makes it wrong. They recruit in prisons through their program Criminon and in drug rehabs through their Narconon program and on the streets in your town by telling you what your problem is, how they can fix it, and then how much it will cost, even after lying to you at first by saying it will cost nothing. Free Stress Test anyone??
A huge earthquake occurred in Haiti a few days ago and our hearts go out to the families affected. While looking at donation sites for relief funds it was brought to my attention to beware of scammers who have set up false accounts around the world looking for your money under the guise of helping people in Haiti in need. The idea that someone would set up a personal account to receive aid funds might sound diabolical to a lot of you but this is sort of how scientology operates. They look for eager people who are willing to help with changing the world in a positive direction and then steal their money by making them believe they are contributing to the greater good.
I do believe this blonde girl the other night on 46th street is inherently a good person who wants to change the world for the better. But she is fed lies by her church about the world around her and given a language and code to live by which is only understood by a small number of people (other scientologists) forcing her deeper and deeper into the comfort of her sect, a secluded world which manifests a clear aura of paranoia about the world around her and the motives of outsiders.
It is very hard to leave scientology when it is all you know. Such is the way with a lot of things in life; It is an investment. When we invest our time and energy and money into something it becomes increasingly easier to convince ourselves that its good and we dont want to hear it can be bad, even when it might be the truth. I watched the lovely bones on dvd last weekend for free and it was complete junk! Had i paid $12.50 to see it in the theatre i think i probably wouldve told myself it was a lot better than it actually was.
Why do I care so much? Because asking for help is a huge personal hurdle for people and is what helps us get better. Psychiatrists and psychologists who treat the mind WITH PROVEN SCIENCE have been able to help myself, and countless others, get through difficult periods in our lives. The fact that an organization is not only denying people opportunities to get checked out by medical professionals in their times of need but also charging them thousands of dollars for useless , non-scientific services is not only morally and ethically wrong but criminal and should be prosecuted. (Plus they're wildly homophobic but that's for another day)
If that blond girl ever does ask me for help, I would be there for her.
R.I.P. Jett Travolta
(I'm so getting sued, lol)
The following is graphic, so be warned.http://theunfunnytruth.ytmnd.com/

wow. exremely informative actually - i didn't know all of this - the ytmnd link is scary - thanks glenn - and i thought you were just pissed about the scientologist flyers because it causes littering!
ReplyDeleteGlenn, you are such a good teacher! I loved this post - The ytmnd link is so creepy. I was just waiting to the guy from Unsolved Mysteries to start narrating.
ReplyDeleteFantastically put. I'm all for freedom of religion, but this cult is nothing but a money machine masquerading as a 'church.' I'm impressed, Mr. Payne!! Informative yet also compassionate. Bravo.
ReplyDeleteI remember some Christian bashing around Christmas time. Jesus is pissed and he's been after you ever since!
ReplyDeleteIt was excellent meeting you in front of the Org on Saturday evening. Keep spreading the good word!